Be it your real-life or gaming friends; Discord comes through as one of the best cross-platform communication applications. Now imagine adding music to that experience. Fun, right? So, now that you’ve decided to stream trending songs, you need to figure out exactly how to do that. In this article, we’ve made a guide for how to play music with the Rythm bot on Discord. Read along to learn more about how to use these methods to enjoy streaming songs in your Discord channels over computers and smartphones.

How to Play Music in Discord?

To play music in Discord, you have two ways: We will discuss both these methods in this article. And for this guide, we’ve chosen the Rythm Discord bot because it’s one of the best music bots. The Rythm bot on Discord provides a lag-free music experience and supports sources like YouTube, SoundCloud, etc., among others. Also, read How To Make Music Bot Discord 2022 | Get Discord Music With or Without Coding

How to Add Music Bot in Discord

We’ve provided separate guides on how to play music in Discord for PC/Mac systems and iOS/Android systems. Head over to your preferred system guide in the subsections below.

How to Add Rythm Bot Discord on PC & Mac

Let’s start with how to play music on Your Discord on PC and Mac systems. And for that, you need to install the Discord Rhythm bot and then set up the bot to play and stream your selected music. Let’s see how it’s done. Steps to Add Rythm Bot Discord on PC & Mac:

  1. Open any web browser on your system.
  2. You’ll see an Invite the bot option located in the mid-left section of the page.
  3. On clicking, you’ll get redirected to the Discord login screen.
  4. Login with your Discord account user credentials.
  5. Select the server where you want to add the Rythm bot.
  6. Click on the Authorize button on the popup window.
  7. Check the “I’m not a robot” box to finalize the process. Note: You can add the same bot to multiple servers, but you will have to repeat the process each time for each additional server. Also, read Best Discord Music Bots – Try these 10 in 2020

How to Set Up Rythm Bot Discord on PC & Mac

Now that you know how to install Rhythm bot Discord, it’s time to set the Rhythm bot up to put it to use by following the instructions below. Steps to set up the Rhythm bot in Discord:

  1. Launch Discord either through the desktop app or the browser version. 
  2. Select the server you added the Rythm bot to from the list on the left side of your screen.
  3. Left-click on the voice channel you plan to play music in among the available channels.
  4. Now, type the ‘!play’ command followed by space and the name of the song or artist you want to listen to, and then hit Enter.
  5. The Rythm bot will search and play the typed-in command for a song or artist over YouTube or your set music library. To know about more such commands, head over to Rythm and search through Support > Features to explore a list of Rythm’s features and !commands. Also, read How To Add Jockie Music Bot On Discord | Supported Sites & Control Commands

How to Play Music in Discord With Rythm Bot iOS/Android

If you’re on a smartphone device, follow these easy steps to learn how to add music in discord on your phone:

  1. Follow the same installation process for a PC to install the Rythm bot on your smartphone.
  2. Open the Discord app on your Android/iOS device and log in with your user credentials. 
  3. Now, from the top-left screen, tap the menu bar and choose the server you’ve added the rhythm bot to.
  4. Select the suitable voice channel on the chosen server to play your favorite music and songs.
  5. Type the ‘!play ’ command to choose the song and press send. In order to know more about the list of Rythm’s ‘! commands,’ head over to Rythm, and look for Features under the Read the docs section. Also, read How to Customize Your Discord Profile on PC and Mobile | Create Your Discord Profile!

How to Play Music in Discord Without Bot

You can play music in Discord without the use of any bot by linking your Spotify account to Discord. And in order to connect your Spotify account to your Discord account, follow these simple steps to enjoy streaming music on Discord:  Steps to Add Music in Discord Without Bot without Bot:

  1. Open Discord on your device and click on User Settings (the gear-like icon.)
  2. Select the Connections option under the User Settings section.
  3. Add the Spotify icon in the Connect your Accounts section; you’ll now be redirected to Spotify’s account login page. 
  4. Log in by entering the user credentials of your Spotify account.
  5. Click on the Agree button.
  6. A ‘Connected your Spotify account to Discord‘ notification should pop up.
  7. Now, head back to Discord and check to see your Spotify connection. If you wish to disconnect Spotify from your Discord account, simply click on the cross mark – ‘X‘ at the top-right corner against your Spotify connection. Also, read How to Delete All Messages in Discord | Direct or Channel Messages

How to Add Music in Discord 

How to Play Music in Discord on Mobile

Wrapping Up

This brings us to the end of our article on how to play music in Discord. As discussed, you can either use a bot to help you play tracks on Discord or add your Spotify connection to Discord to enjoy listening and be the DJ of your server. If you found the article helpful and informative, share it with your friends and let us know your thoughts about this feature in the comment section below. For more such informative articles, keep visiting Path of EX.


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